

Operation of the CS Promotion Committee
GS Power operates the CS Promotion Committee to proactively identify and analyze customer needs and dissatisfaction related to hot water demand, hot water tariffs, customer facilities, and hot water pipelines.

Through this committee, GS Power drives customer-centric service improvement initiatives and strengthen the establishment of business processes.

The CS Promotion Committee, with the Head of the District Heating Business Division as its chairman, holds meetings both offline and online.

GS Power is responsible for identifying improvement points related to customer-centric business process enhancement and proactive customer service. The manages the reporting and development of solutions for discussion topics.

표정이 그려진 네모난 나무 조각을 잡은 손 사진 이빨을 보이며 무언가를 소개하는 듯한 손짓을 하고 있는 여자 사진

인터넷 익스플로러 브라우저에만 적용되는는 내용입니다.현재 브라우저에서는 지원하지 않는 사이트입니다. 아래의 다른 브라우저를 다운받아 사용해주세요.